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Jovay (10) from the Philippines was forced to have webcam sex. Emelda (13) from Tanzania is at risk of being circumcised and Laasya (6) from India works long days in a mica mine. Terre des Hommes stands up for these children. We protect vulnerable children and help children that fall victim to exploitation.
But we cannot do this alone. You make our work possible. Donate now!
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Name: Stichting Terre des Hommes
IBAN: NL93 ABNA 0515 9128 83
But we cannot do this alone. You make our work possible. Donate now!
If you prefer a manual bank transfer over the options provided in the payment options in this form, please use:
Name: Stichting Terre des Hommes
IBAN: NL93 ABNA 0515 9128 83